Accum luctus dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam.
Healthy Farm. export Bell Peppers with the best quality We always make sure that our products accordance with the European specifications. We export Bell Peppers from our farms to make sure that our products are of the highest quality in order to maintain our reputation first and in order to satisfy our customers.
We have exported Bell Peppers to a number of European countries including Italy, Spain, Germany, England, and some Arab countries as well. We can provide the required quantities of the highest quality because we have been working in the export market for 15 years and we have enough experience in this field.
We always provide the best prices in the market while maintaining the quality of course.
We have a customer base we have been working with for more than 10 years and this is due to their confidence in us and to our quality and prices which are not compared with anyone in the market.
Healthy Farm Bell Peppers cultivated from the best quality seeds. It is picked and frozen fast to preserve the simple goodness nature intended.
Healthy Farm. offers Bell peppers in various colors, such as red, yellow, orange, and green — which are unripe. Green, unripe peppers have a slightly bitter flavor and are not as sweet as fully ripe ones.
Ingredients: Garden fresh bell peppers. No additives
Storage: Healthy Farm. bell peppers stay fresh up to 24 hours when stored in a cold place or up to expiry date when stored at -18°C
All products received must meet the highest quality inspection criteria from the time the plant leaves to the customer.Our trained team of experts maintain the highest standards of quality control from freshness and cleanliness to ensure maximum customer satisfaction for each bag of vegetables.
Be recognized as one of the best manufacturers of frozen foods from IQF in the market depending on our history and customer satisfaction.
As one of the leading frozen fruit and vegetable processors in the booming Egyptian market, we are committed to providing high quality and competitive products through our experienced team and the latest technology in frozen food manufacturing.
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Egestas a mi a faucibus vestibulum vestibulum nam aliquet adipiscing.